Rapala Pro Fishing (PC/ENG)
PC game | Genre: Fishing | Language: English | 343 MB
Publisher: Activision Value | Developer: MagicWand
PC game | Genre: Fishing | Language: English | 343 MB
Publisher: Activision Value | Developer: MagicWand
Grabyour tackle box, launch the bass boat and lets go! Rapala Pro Fishingsets the standard for all fishing games. According to the publisher,never before has a fishing game brought you all the: authentic Rapalafishing gear, guided fishing trips with Rapalas Pro Staff and a boatloadof action. Time to set the hook and land that trophy of a lifetime. Thegames realistic fish detail with advanced AI, including bass, pike,walleye, salmon, catfish, muskie, trout, and many more. Rapala ProFishing features 21 tournaments, over 500,000 specially-selected acresof the worlds finest trophy waters, guided trips led by Rapalas ProStaff, and some special unlockable levels like the Amazon River and theDanube Delta.
* Realistic fish detail with advanced AI
* 21 tournaments
* over 500,000 specially-selected acres of the worlds finest trophy waters
* guided trips led by rapalas pro staff
* unlockable levels include the Amazon river and the Danube delta.

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