Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault - Breakthrough (2003/PC/ENG)
Year: 2003 l PC Game l Language: English l Developer: TKO Software l Publisher: Electronic Arts l 674.70 MB
Genre: Historic l First-Person Shooter
Genre: Historic l First-Person Shooter
The original Allied Assault consisted of several missions, which in turn had many levels. Breakthrough doesn't change this formula, and consists of about a dozen new levels. These comprise three missions, which will take you to North Africa, Sicily, and finally mainland Italy. The individual levels are varied and will take you about six hours to complete in total. You will destroy German artillery, rescue prisoners, and drive assorted vehicles, among other things. The individual levels don't fit together to form a cohesive whole--you're dumped onto a battlefield and given objectives, without any explanation as to your ultimate purpose.
System requirements:
Operating system: Windows XP/Vista/Win7
Pentium II 450MHz Processor
8X CD-ROM Drive
1.2 GB Hard Disk Space
16MB DirectX and OpenGL compatible Video Card
DirectX compatible Sound Card

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