First to Fight is a tactical first-person shooter in which you lead a four-man fire team in close-quarters urban combat in the streets and buildings of Beirut. It was created with the help of more than 40 active-duty U.S. Marines fresh from firefights in the Middle East and will be used by the United States Marine Corps for training.
Cutting-edge graphics engine delivers amazingly realistic graphics facial animations volumetric real-time shadows dynamic lighting and more; In-game psychology model makes AIs behave as though they were humans with wills of their own;
Developed in conjunction with the US Marine Corps; Use authentic Marine urban military doctrine (Ready-Team-Fire-Assist): governs how marines maneuver through urban environments; Use the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) to destroy enemies: call for fire and support from Cobra helicopters mortar other fireteams tanks AAVs; Use true military tactics to defeat enemies: lay suppressing fire flank enemies separate leaders from enemies etc.
Windows ME/2000/XP; Athlon or Pentium III 1.3Ghz; 256MB RAM; 32MB card with full T&L (Works with ATI Radeon 7500 and NVIDIA GeForce 2MX or higher. Does not work with some Intel integrated graphics.); 16-bit DX9-comp. sound card; 2.8GB of free hard drive space; 8X CD-ROM drive

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