Quake 4 Game PC (PC/FullIso/Multi)
Game Platforme(s) : PC | Language : Multi (6) | Release Date : Oct 18, 2005
Publisher : Activision | Developer : Raven Software | Genre : Sci-Fi Fps | Size : 2.7 Gb
Game Platforme(s) : PC | Language : Multi (6) | Release Date : Oct 18, 2005
Publisher : Activision | Developer : Raven Software | Genre : Sci-Fi Fps | Size : 2.7 Gb
WhileDoom was the game that would make id Software a gaming-household namein the early 90s, over the years, the company shifted its focus awayfrom the Doom games. As PC hardware and 3D acceleration became betterand better, id became much more focused on engine development. Thoseengines were the underlying technology that powered the games in theQuake series, which began in 1996. Quake was among the first PCfirst-person shooters to let you take your multiplayer matches onto theInternet, and over the years, the series has become synonymous withgreat technology and exciting multiplayer. Now, in 2005, the roles ofids games have reversed a bit. The companys most recent engine is theone built for Doom 3, and Quake 4 runs on this same engine. Furthermore,Quake 4 wasnt even developed by id internally; it instead outsourcedgame development to the capable minds at Raven Software, who have turnedin a fantastic-looking game with a great single-player campaign. Themultiplayer, however, is underwhelming.
The three previous Quakegames have all had very little to do with one another. The first gamesstory almost felt more like a retelling of Doom, dealing withinappropriately opened portals that spew out all sorts of horrificdemons. Quake II ditched that storyline in favor of anEarth-versus-alien conflict that had you crash-landing on the alienhomeworld in search of revenge. Quake III Arena was multiplayer focused,with no true single-player storyline other than that a wide collectionof warriors--some taken from the Doom and Quake games--had been pulledout of their own timelines and into this futuristic battle arena. Quake 4doubles back and picks up where Quake II left off. That nameless spacemarine from Quake II has apparently killed the Makron, the leader of theStrogg forces, and now its up to you to get in there and try to finishthe job. But, of course, things arent quite what they seem.
InQuake 4, you play as a space marine named Matthew Kane, who hasrecently been assigned to Rhino Squad. In keeping with first-personshooter storyline tradition, Kane doesnt speak, but the marines aroundyou will more than make up for the lack of chatter coming out of Kaneslips. Youre the new guy, and some of the squads even betting that youwont even survive for one day. With the Makron assumed dead, your squadis taking part in an operation to take advantage of the disarray andmop up the rest of the enemy forces on the Strogg planet. But your dropship gets hit and comes down hard, killing a large chunk of yoursquadmates at the opening of the game. From there, youll pull yourselfup out of the muck and get down to business.
Eventually, yoursquad will get extracted back to a capital ship for reassignment. Here,youll get to explore the ship, similar to how you could explore Voyagerin Ravens Elite Force games. Then youre back out on a new missiondesigned to disrupt the Strogg communication network. And the storycontinues from there. While the story itself isnt particularlygripping, its designed well enough to keep you interested in whatshappening. Theres also a potentially interesting plot twist in the gamethat, unfortunately, was revealed by id Software almost immediately,when the company first started talking about and showing off the game.We wont repeat it here, in case youve managed to stay away, because wehave to imagine that the twist would have been a lot more interestingif you didnt see it coming. Just know that a few interesting thingshappen in the game, but they dont totally change the way the game isplayed or anything like that.
Setup Instruction
1- Extract Rar File
2- Mount ISO file with DAEMON Tools (Or whatever)
3- Click Setup.exe to Instal the Game
4- Use The Serial Key Included
5- Copy Crack From DEViANCE Folder to the Folder Game Directory
6- Play & Have Fun .................... Enjoy ;)
Minimum System Requirements
OS : English Version of MicrosoftWindows 2000/XP
CPU : IntelPentium 4 2 Ghz or AMD XP 2000+ processor or higher
RAM : 512 MB
VGA : 100% DirectX 9.0c compatable 64MB 3D Hardware Accelerator video card
HDD Free Space : 2.8GB of uncompressed free hard disk space (plus 400MB for for Windows swap file)
Sound : 100% DirectX 9.0c compatable 16-bit sound card

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