Fallout: New Vegas
Year: 2011 | Eng, Rus | PC Game | Developed: Obsidian Entertainment | Publisher: SoftKlab | 5.85 Gb
Genre: RPG, Action, 1st or 3rd person
Year: 2011 | Eng, Rus | PC Game | Developed: Obsidian Entertainment | Publisher: SoftKlab | 5.85 Gb
Genre: RPG, Action, 1st or 3rd person
* Hot Vegas .
Explore the vast open spaces - from the provincial towns scattered across the Mojave Wasteland, to the magnificent shining lights of the streets of New Vegas.
* Your word .
war between competing factions will forever change the lives of the inhabitants ofthe city. On whose side in this conflict will take you, everything depends: who would have to meet and communicate, who will be loyalcompanions, and who - a sworn enemy, and of course, the final struggle for power.
* Fresh ideas .
The new system of communication with partners, the reputation system - remember: abackfire, and respond; mode Hardcore - for those who are not looking for easy ways, special techniques of unarmed combat.
* To arms !
Arsenal twice represented in Fallout 3: Now you have more than enough funds to adequately respond to any threat. In addition, Vault-Tecengineers have developed a new weapon system configuration that willrepair or modify any dangerous toys in any place at any time.
* Complete chaos .
Here is a huge world, you are free to choose its own path. Travel and sightseeing, fight shoulder to shoulder with those who, in your opinion, it is worth, or become a lone hero - its your world, this isyour game!

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