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Gamer On Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hail, citizen! Caesar commands that you create, rule and defend an Imperial Roman city of your own design. The 500,000 veterans of our Emperor's previous crop of governors (that is, the Class of Caesar II) will find that some of their old skills remain valuable. But much has changed in the Roman Empire, and Caesar now requires a whole new class of governors with a new range of talents. 

hen you arrive at the province that your Emperor has assigned, you draw upon your knowledge (with a little help from your advisors) to create a safe, pleasant city that will attract immigrants. Rome's Senate gives you enough money to build the structures you'll need to feed, house, protect and employ these pioneers. As your city grows and evolves, citizens come to expect entertainment, health care, religion and other comforts and luxuries. While your people continually want more out of life, your starting money dwindles, and your city must start to pay its own way. Citizens build more lavish housing, improving your tax base, and valuable trade routes absorb the surplus from your city's industries. 

ife is unpredictable, and various obstacles challenge your ability to meet everyone's wants and needs. Keep Caesar's expectations in mind, as well as those of your citizens. Your career as a governor depends on pleasing the Emperor, whose desires are quite clear. Caesar is a kind and wise ruler. He expects very little of you in your early assignments. When you meet the objectives he has defined for your province, Caesar will offer you promotion to a tougher, more important assignment. Ultimately, you could become Emperor of Rome. 

f course, an opposite outcome is always possible. Caesar has little tolerance for repeated failure. In his bountiful wisdom and compassion, Caesar will give you every chance to correct mistakes and achieve your goals, but there are limits even to Caesar's patience. I am confident that you will make an excellent governor, and I need not dwell on the consequences of failure. 

ome governors prefer not to embark on a full career, and Caesar graciously offers the Class of Caesar III the option to govern independently, without regard for the Emperor or his opinions, setting your own goals. 

hichever path you take, Caesar thanks you for reporting for this briefing. The Roman Empire is expanding rapidly, and talented governors are sorely needed. Your Emperor hopes that you will rise to the challenge. Hail Caesar!


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