Platform: PC
Tour: strateji
Produced by: Firefly Studuos
Publisher: Global Star Software
Release Date: April-2005
Mutiplayer: None
Windows: 98-me-2000-xp-vista
serial: do not want.
PC requirements: Pentium III 1.4 GHz or equivalent processor, 256 mbRAM, 32MB 3D games that can support Video Card (GeForce2 MX + at least), 2.5 GB HDD. DirectX 9.0c is for a tasty game: Pentium IV 2.0 GHz processor or equivalent, 512 mbRAM, 64MB Video Card capable of 3D games support (GeForce2 MX + at least), 2.5 GB HDD. DirectX 9.0c
Game is about: to provide a stronghold in my opinion.alone condition, this time things would be very fervent! interactions will be very different manner from the enemy, and will be very challenging. in turn is a major advancement, the different production and military choices, with different ways of making money and more fun castle defense. go ahead, at least once a man feel like the king himself ... setup: setup do I start and play. which is required for this job you: cd-rom or a virtual drive.

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