Culpa Innata |PC| 1,54 Gb
Only the elite feel worthy to live under the transparency of the World Union - the most intelligent, healthy and wealthy. Leaving altruisticheskie trends that have caused harm to individual development and economic advancement in the past, the World Union declared the unprecedented era of self-interest and fulfillment. Prosperity - science, xxx - entertainment, disease and serious crimes do not exist and the future never vygledelo better.
But beneath a perfect world hides ugly truth. And the truth is ready to light.
Citizen of the World Union murdered in Russia, one of the few ostavschihsya zhulikovyh States. This murder oddly coincides with the accident fatalities prominent professor in Adrianopolisu, a large border town between the World Union and Russia. World Officer Phoenix Wallis was appointed to conduct investigation of the murder. While still young and inexperienced, she will soon make discoveries beyond her own wild imagination and Phoenix begin to interest experienced hackers and podravnye characters. It reveals the investigation of enigmatic signs that lead her closer and closer to the mystery challenge not only herself but her very beliefs in the worldview, which she swore to protect.
Join Phoenix in her exciting 3-dimensional adventure. Culpa Innata is welcomed you to the World Union.
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